Keynote: Performance Driven Development

by Sam Aaron 

Thursday, 09 June 2016 10:15 @ Room 1

This talk will introduce the novel development approach of Sonic Pi – a highly successful live coding system with two specific and distinct goals: firstly to facilitate the teaching of programming within schools and secondly to enable artists to deliver virtuosic live coded music

From a software development perspective Sonic Pi has some interesting characteristics. One the one hand it’s a highly experimental and evolving research platform for exploring hot-swapping of live highly concurrent and strongly-timed running code. On the other it’s a robust and reliable product in use by schools all over the world with a user base in the hundreds of thousands.

In order to combine both the experimental and robustness requirements of Sonic Pi a new software development approach has been created – Performance Driven Development. This approach draws both from industry and the arts and provides a blueprint for a new style of software development that eschews modernism and embraces attrition.

Warning – this talk will contain no slides, lots of live code and much noise!